What are you waiting for? The one thing no one ever tells you about sex
by Dannah Gresh
178 page PB. Discover God's deepest thoughts about sex.
Ready or Not, Here Life Comes
by Mel Levine
286 page discarded library HB . America's top learning expert shows how today's society makes it hard for kids to grow into productive aduts and what we can do about it.
Why a Daughter Needs a Dad
by Gregory Lang
HB photograph book with 100 reasons.
It takes a Home and other lessons from the Heart
by Nancy Parker Brummett
213 page PB . When it comes to raising God-loving, well adjusted kids, nothing can replace a home where moms and dads are fully engaged in the task.
Endangered Your child in a Hostile World
by Johann Christoph Arnold
185 page PB. This book will show you how to be a more effective parent and educator by transforming the way you view children and empowering you to act on the innate wisdom you already possess.
In the Kitchen with God
201 pages HB. Small daily devotionals.
303 Great Ideas for Families
by Phyllis and Merle Good
91 page PB. Over 303 ideas most cost less than 99 cents.
Plain Wisdom
by Cindy Woodsmall and Miriam Flaud
224 page PB where 2 women who seem worlds apart share alot in common. Join them
as they share with you their celebration of God, womanhood and search for
beauty. Take a glimpse into the traditions and ways of the Amish.(this is an
advance reading copy)  
For Mom from a Thankful Heart
HB Gift Book with built in bookmark. With Scripture and words of gratitude for the moms in our life.